Sabtu, 27 Agustus 2011

Bantu Baca with YSR

          Youth Social Responsibilty  Adalah Komunitas anak muda yang membuat suatu gerakan untuk  mengubah dunia . salah satu gerakan ini adalah “Book Charity”, Dimana kita sebagai anak muda yang mempunyai rasa kepedulian yang tinggi untuk berbagi kepada mereka yang ingin mengetahui berbagai informasi tentang pengetahuan.
                Disini kita berbagi dengan membacakan buku bisa dari novel , majalah, serta buku pengetahuan tentang ensiklopedia , biografi, tanpa mengandung unsur “SARA” kita membekali penegtahuan kepada orang tua yang berada di panti jumpo, dan orang tua tunanetra, anak yatim yang kurangnya fasilitas pendidikan . Event yang dinamakan “Bantu Baca” ini kita berharap agar event ini dapat terkoordinasi dengan baik, Karena , Dengan kita berbagi lewat “Bantu Baca” pengetahuan mereka akan bertambah karena,Buku adalah jenndela dunia . Walaupun mereka tidak dapat melihat, kita berharap mereka peka dengan apa yang lakukan dengan gerakan ini “Book Charity”.
                Untuk membuat event bisa berjalan dengan baik, kita berbagi tugas dimana saya dan teman-teman School Of Public Relation at Prisma Profesional membuat kardus dimana kardus ini berfungsi untuk mengumpulkan buku dan setiap 2 hari sekali kita bergiliran untuk mengambilnya, sebelum mereka mengumpulkan buku, kita melakukan presentasi di setiap kelas yang ada diprisma profesional di mangga 2 yang terletak di Jagir Wonokromo No.100 bertujuan untuk mendukung event YSR ini. Setelah 4 hari kita melakukan presentasi ini kita cukup  puas .karena , event ini kita rasa sangat berjalan cukup baik. walaupun, waktu yang diberikan hanya 4 hari untuk melakukan presentasi tersebut. Setelah Event ini berakhir dan buku akan terkumpul kita, akan membawanya ke panti asuhan dan panti jumpo untuk kita bacakan sebagai informasi tentang pengetahuan bagi mereka yang membutuhkan wawasan tersebut.
                Ada beberapa kelebihan dan kekurangan pada event ini karena sebagai teamwork kita merasa butuh sekali akan saran dan kritik dari saudara-saudara kita yang mendukung event “Book Charity”.
Kelebihan akan event yang kita buat adalah:
·  Kita selaku anak muda yang berjiwa besar merelakan waktu dan tenaga untuk membuat event “Bantu Baca” kita berbagi dengan mereka dengan membacakan buku  tersebut kepada anak-anak maupun orang tua yang berada dipanti jumpo yang tunanetra. Event ini Pure kita lakukan untuk membantu mereka yang membutuhkan informasi tentang pengetahuan dunia.
·  Event berjalan dengan cukup baik, terlihat dari partisipasi mereka yang mau menyumbangkan bukunya untuk event ini. Tetapi, sayangnya event ini berjalan cukup singkat sekali karena, Event “ Bantu Baca” kita lakukan untuk mengisi nilai Ujian Mata Kuliah “Event Organizer”.

                Sebagai masukan saya memberikan Suggestion agar event “Book Charity” Bantu baca berjalan lebih maksimal :
Ø  Harusnya event ini menjadi suatu program baru untuk Public Relation selajutnya ,agar bisa belajar bagaiman kita berkerja dengan teamwork .
Ø  Event “Bantu Baca” harusnya dilakukan 3 bulan agar lebih maksimal melakukan presentasi.
Ø  Event “Bantu Baca” ini alangkah baiknya bisa mendapat dukungan dari lecture,Collega, dan semua mahasiswa-mahasiswi Prisma Profesional.
Novia Dwi Astuti
School of Public Relation 2009-2011

Selasa, 23 Agustus 2011


Youth Social Responsibility is a community that created to ask youth for join to help thier fellow as a youth generations’ responsibility to the nation. Basiclly, this activity want to facilitate youth to do positive things in life through the YSR-Book Charity program. Prisma Professional students can participate by donating one unused books. The books are meant to be autobiographical books, novels, biographies, psychology, which is not contain “SARA” inside. The books which was collected will be donated to orphanages and nursing homes in Surabaya, which is facilitated by member of the YSR-Bantu Baca. This activity has been started since August 9 and will be end on September 6. *come on join us to inspiring ur life...

In this community, I am responsible in the maintaining of Social Media, such as Facebook, Twitter and Blogger. In addition, my colleagues and I should present this program and ask our junior to participate in this program. We are also responsible for making the box that will be used as a books box for charity and did some publications material of this activity.

Being a part of YSR commitee is very valuable opportunity, because through these activities, I can learn many things about EO’s, how crazy became the commitee of this event and fuzz between each member. But it still fun to organize and create an event to be known and discussed by every people in Prisma.

Each activity must have their strength and weakness, but for me is how the process has been carried out by PR 2009’s team in implementing this activity. *actually you all (PR'09) have done a great job, dear ... The strength of this activity is that these activities are social activities to help people with visual impairments and elder in nursing homes, and this activity is a facilitator for teens to help their fellow. The weakness of this activity is on the committee’s opportunity to promote these activities to the Prisma Professional students because of the commitee member’s time. The message that we issued is received not well by the student (the students confused between YSR-Bagi Buku and YSR-Bantu Baca).

3 suggestion that I could give as reference for this kind of activity in the future are: 
  • The period of this program should be longer than a month to get the best result. We can not expect more if we just do that in a month.
  • Find out some students as the brand ambassador. This students will be word of mouth people for this event.
  • Create some event as the ‘gong’ of this book charity program.

I just hope that this program really could facilitate youth to help blinds and elder and for member of School of Public Relations 2009-2011, you are really GREAT guys.. :) Bu Candra, really thank you for this kind of opportunity.

School of Public Relations 2009-2011

Book Charity ayee!!!

Youth Social Responsibility is a youth community that created to gain all of youth's participation to change the world. The mission of YSR is social . The theme of YSR is Books Charity.  This activity was founded for caring and helping of the other unlucky  life, we can share with the person who are blind, decrepit, and orphan. Book what is share  are free of “SARA”. More effectively are novel, education’s book, biography, or psychology. After that we donate all the book what we have collect from the participant to school of blinds people and nursing home, This activity not only “book charity” but we also join with the other social organization such as “Bantu Baca”.

In this event my responsibility are make a proposal with my partner Fitria Astri. Not only make it proposal, but we are together design and make charity box, after that we drop both of them at Prisma Ambengan and Prisma Mangga Dua. To make this event successfully, our class (School of Public Relation 2009-2011) divided into two group. The purpose  is to promote this event what is all of us, present the presentation class to class and looking for, getting who wants to be a participant.

My experience being part of that event organizer is very interesting because I can learn so many things, for example how can be coordinate with the other, learn how make strategy to make this event will be success and effectively, and I get the important things that every event can be success if we realize about our task or our responsibility, beside that event organizer can’t happen if the member have a high individualism and introvert person.

I realize that everything have strength and weakness, it same with this event.
The strength  of “book charity” is the mission. We know that the mission is social. And we don’t have to get the material advantages. This event pure for charity to helping unlucky people in around us.
The weakness of “book charity”  is we don’t have to much time to concerted this event beside that  we must face the examination “CAWU VI” and final examination. So we can predict what the worst  can be happen.
Beside that, we have minim appreciation of the participant. Maybe they interesting with that event but at the time goes. We only find some little of book in box charity.

If I get permission to suggest for “Book Charity” I want to give three suggestion to make it better, they are :
  • This event may should happen when we don’t have many schedule in same times, so we can concentrate special for this event.
  • The book charity maybe more effective and successfully if It get many appreciations from the member, college, lecture, and people who want to share their book.   
  • My last suggestion is the period of this event, I think longer is better. Maybe two months is enough.

 thank you

Monika Anggita Widiyastuti
School of Public Relation 2009-2011